Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hervey Bay Stallholder Profile for Elizabeth Hersey Sculpture

Stallholder Profile for Elizabeth Hersey Sculpture

Your name: Elizabeth Hersey

Your business name and facebook/website name and link: Elizabeth Hersey Sculpture

The suburb/town you live in now: Hervey Bay

What is it that you make?: Limited edition bronze wildlife sculptures.

What inspired you to start your business?: A love of sculpture and wildlife.

How long have you been creating?: Bronze – 5ys  Art – a lifetime

Is it a full time/part time hobby or business?: I stepped out and made this my full time Business 4 years ago. Life is too short to not follow your dreams.

Where do you sell your creations?: I sell from my website, galleries and I will be showing work for the first time at the Hervey Bay Handmade Expo in August.

What makes you so special or different?: Bronze isn’t a widely used medium for artist due to the labour intensive process and cost, but it has such amazing qualities, its beautiful, timeless, has a small footprint and generally will last forever. To own a piece of art in a medium that was so instrumental in shaping human history including art is very special.

What is the most rewarding part of what you do?: Boy you may wish you never asked this question lol. For me the reward is maintaining an emotional connection - The more plugged in we are the greater the disconnect from the natural world becomes and sadly to the detriment of the planet. We’re witnessing great loss of habitat for our wildlife and the decline of many species, some are on the brink of extinction. If I can help people connect with nature, that’s not only good for them but its great news for the planet and its wildlife.

What is your favourite product to make?: I just LOVE Australian wildlife, but if I was asked a favourite - it would have to be frogs. I have quite a soft spot for these little amphibians and they are a subject I really enjoy sculpting.

Do you teach classes or workshops?: Yes and I hope to do more in the future.

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