Quite a few months ago, we booked this space.
How cool is it? The time came today for us to head out to Brassall Shopping Centre and put up our sign. It is difficult working with limited space, especially when we have soooo much to say, but we think we did alright!
It is harder and more time consuming then it looks, but it was fun and couldn't let this opportunity pass without taking a photo.
Thanks Cheryl Bromage for the space :)
Liesa doing it tough!
From Liesa, Micky & Miriam
Well done girls, and well done to Cheryl, I have noticed over the years tht Cheryl is so supportive of the community, pse pass on my congrats to her.
How cool is that? Leisa you're going to be very tired by the 13th standing outside that stand everyday. Should take a chair.
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