Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Stallholder Profile for A Moment In Time Cast In Stone

Your name: Michelle Horne

Your business name and facebook/website name and link:
A Moment in Time
My website domain is not yet working but a link to the current website can be found on my facebook page. 

The suburb/town you live in now:
I live in Tewantin, I will be moving to Southside (Gympie), once our house is built. 

What is it that you make and what skills do you use?:
I make 3d impressions of hands and feet. I specialise in newborns, but these can be done a 1 or 101. These are a beautiful keepsake &a great gift idea for grandparents. 
We use the same product as a dentist uses to take moulds of your teeth and they are then filled with a high quality casting stone. 

What inspired you to start your business?:
I needed to go back to work after having my last baby, but I couldn't find anything where I could work around my partners hours (baker). It took 6 months before I decided to go ahead and do this. Now I can work around my partner but still have the family life we enjoy.  

How long have you been creating?:
I have been operating for 12 months, with a few months of trial and error before that. 

Is it a full time/part time hobby or business?:
It's a part time business. I would love to be busy enough that I am working full time, by the time my 3 year old starts school in 2020.

Where do you sell your creations?:
I have been to markets before which didn't generate much business. I have a facebook page, website & I have had a lot of word of mouth business recently. I'm looking forward to starting up at The Handmade Expo and seeing how that goes for me. 

What makes you so special or different?:
Not so much special or different, but I love what I do and I will only give my clients the best. 

What is the most rewarding part of what you do?:
When people receive their new frames with their babies casts and seeing how happy they are. I have done some bereavement work and just knowing that they have a little piece of their loved one with them, makes me so happy that I can give that to them. Also meeting new people and getting to know them in the hour that I am there. I have met so many beautiful people in the last 12 months. 

What is your favourite product to make?:
It has to be the hands. It's like opening a christmas present. You never know how they are going to look until the mould is pulled apart. 

Do you teach classes or workshops?:
No I don't, but I am looking into DIY products. 

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