Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stallholder profile Kerry Valley Keepsakes

Today our stallholder profile is Kerry Valley Keepsakes

Your name:  Paula Leigh

Your Business name: Kerry Valley Keepsakes 

The suburb/town you live in now: Darlington QLD

What is it that you make and what skills do you use? 
I make resin jewellery and keepsakes using things collected from 
nature, flowers, feathers, leaves, seeds, shells, stones and even bugs and spiders!

What inspired you to start your business? 
My first spark of inspiration came from my sons first haircut. It was the sweetest 
little blonde curl and I wanted to be able to keep it forever. I couldn't find any businesses that could preserve it for me at an affordable cost so I decided to do it myself! Then I thought "what else can I put in resin?" It just grew from there. My jewellery is full of all the things I love, flowers, leaves, feathers and anything else me and my son (the littlest sidekick) can find on our adventures together.

How long have you been ‘creating’? 
I have only been creating and experimenting with new ideas for about 9 months. But I already know it will be a lifelong passion
Is it a full time/ part time/hobby or business?  Resin is my "self-care" its a hobby I share with my littlest sidekick and a great way for us both to be out exploring and discovering. Mostly its just for me though. My escape, my creative outlet and my big deep breath after a long day

Where do you sell your creations? 
I sell my jewellery and keepsakes through my facebook page-, on etsy- on instagram- @kerryvalleykeepsakes and at the Handmade Expo in Ipswich

What makes what you do special or different? 
Each piece I create is completely unique. I strive to ensure all my jewellery and keepsakes are of high quality but also affordable.
What is the most rewarding part of what you do? Being able to share my passion with the people I love most. My husband brings home all sorts of interesting rocks, feathers and flowers that he finds during his day. My Nanny collects feathers for me when she feeds the birds in the afternoon, the littlest sidekick brings me rocks and flowers that he finds in the yard while playing. Family, friends, work mates... they have all developed a newfound interest in the little things in nature and I'm often surprised by a little gift of a flower or a text message asking "would this work in resin?"
What is your favourite product that you make? Feathers! I love every piece of feather jewellery I make, but the rainbow lorikeet feathers are my absolute favourite. My Nanny is 94 and one of the most beautiful souls I know, I love and admire her. She feeds the birds in her garden every afternoon and has a little glass jar she keeps in her kitchen where she places the feathers she finds for me to use. 

Do you teach classes or workshops? No

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