Thursday, May 17, 2018


Stallholder Profile for creativeartWEAR

Your name: Lindy Creeke

Your business name and facebook/website name and link:  creativeartWEAR Australia-,
FB link is @creativeartWEAR, 

The suburb/town you live in now:  Margate, Queensland

What is it that you make and what skills do you use?:  Unique garments for women - using only cotton linen or silk - my sewing skills, sometimes dyeing my own fabric.  I also have a love of detail and embellishment. I have also recently added a DIY element to my business - colour your own hat or cap - the cap and hat designs are by me and the fabric pens I have sourced with excellent inks from Germany.  I have the caps and hats made and printed overseas, but they are a unique product which are available on-line and at special events.


What inspired you to start your business?:  I noticed a need for a niche market - mature women who still wanted to be different - it has also proven to be a success with younger women who wish to have unique, one off garments - particularly in natural fabrics, using natural dyes.  We are not all stock standard sizes and my garments are created with bumps and lumps in mind.  I was never a stock standard size and shape and realised very quickly if I want to dress to impress that I had to make my own clothes.

How long have you been creating?:  Since I was 12, so a very long time, 51 years, I started making bikinis for myself and  friends, which then progressed to selling to the local surf shops 

Is it a full time/part time hobby or business?:  All of these really - it was a hobby I am passionate about which turned into a full-time business - I tried to retire 2 years ago, but it didn’t work - whilst ever there is fabric I will always sew

Where do you sell your creations?:  Since closing my shops (mainly in Queensland, but also in Sydney over the past 10 years) I threw myself into the market world for several years and have now reinvented my business into a mainly on-line business.  Since returning to Queensland I will sometimes sell at special events and The Handmade Expo is my first event for a couple of years.  I will continue to sell at special events only as I would like to sell online - but I do miss the public interaction and I myself prefer the hands on approach - the touchy feely part of fabric and trying a garment on, so getting my head around the on-line phenomenon is taking time.

What makes you so special or different?:  Because I really care about my customers.  I will not let a customer buy one of my garments if it does not fit, or suit her in some other way.  A happy customer is a loyal customer.  My garments are recognisable to my customers and so it is important that my customers always look and feel their best in one of my garments.  And my attention to detail and sourcing amazing fabric.

What is the most rewarding part of what you do?:  Having customers return to tell me the compliments they received when wearing one of my garments.

What is your favourite product to make?:  Different depending on the fabric at hand and my mood.  Always something creative for women.

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