Monday, August 8, 2016

Stallholder profile Kee Wee Kreations

Todays stallholder profile is Kee Wee Kreations

Your name: 
Terri Butler

Your Business name: 
KeeWee Kreations  

The suburb/town you live in: 
Victoria Point Qld

What is it that you make and what skills do you use? 
Chidren Craft....Balloon Balls, Baby change / Play Mats, Pillow Beds, Baby Thongs, Baby and Premie Beanies, Cot Doonas and Blankets

What inspired you to start your business? 
Love Creating

How long have you been ‘creating’? 
40 plus years

Is it a full time/ part time/hobby or business? 
Am trying to turn it into a fulltime business for when I retire

Where do you sell your creations?: 
Markets....Twilight Makers Market, Cleveland Markets, The Handmade Expo Ipswich

What makes what you do special or different? 
Make a suggestion...I can create it.

What is the most rewarding part of what you do? 
When people smile when they see my Baby Thongs

What is your favourite product that you make? 
Baby Thongs

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Stallholder profile Henna Art

Todays Stallholder profile is Henna Art for our Ipswich Market.

Your name:  Laharika Donthireddy

Your Business name:  Henna Art, 

The suburb/town you live in now: Brisbane

What is it that you make and what skills do you use? 
Henna body art

What inspired you to start your business?
Passion towards art

How long have you been ‘creating’?
4 years

Is it a full time/ part time/hobby or business?
Part time

Where do you sell your creations? 
The Handmade Expo Market Ipswich

What makes what you do special or different?
Natural products

What is the most rewarding part of what you do?
Adorable feel on customers faces

What is your favourite product that you make?

My art